It's week three, and I'm still working my way through the curries and stews!
Here’s what I made this week:
Red Sweet Potato Curry

I was skeptical, but I would make this again!
I made 2 substitutions: Ginger juice as per usual and I did not have peanut oil so I just used olive oil
This would probably freeze fine
You may remember that I made the rule that I would go to only two stores to source an ingredient. Well, this week I tested the limit of how many of my friends I would text to borrow an ingredient.
It was seven.
No one uses star anise!
It is also a very unique flavor, so I knew I really needed it for the dish, but I also didn't really want to buy a whole jar (it's about $10) if I was never going to use this spice again. In the end it was my neighbor who came through! I got this text on Friday morning:

This is also from the stews and curries section, and it made a lot of food. I took it to a friend's for dinner and she gave it a rave review. I also shared an exciting discovery - I think I found an omission in the cookbook! This recipe, in the ingredients list, calls for adzuki beans but nowhere in the actual steps of the recipe does it tell you when to add them. Wild.
I do think using an immersion blender on the sauce is good, I like a very smooth sauce and I don't know how you would achieve that without blending. I often don't attempt Thai flavors at home because the restaurants can do it better, but this felt like something I would be proud to serve to guests.
Tofu stroganoff

I would make this again, though I thought I would like it more than I did!
I made 0 substitutions
This would probably freeze fine
There are many things I love in a sauce, cashews, mushrooms, and wine would definitely be at the top of that list. But for whatever reason, this dish just didn't come together and wow me like I'd hoped it would. I also have never had non-vegan stroganoff, though I usually don't try to compare vegan dishes with their meat-based counterparts. The last time I ate meat I think I was 13, so the flavor is a distant memory anyhow.
One thing I would do differently when making this again is to use my full size blender instead of the smaller smoothie cup attachment, because I think I could get the cashew cream better blended that way. My stepmom has also made this recipe a few times, and she said she remembers adding a little vegan yogurt or sour cream to bulk up the sauce a bit.
Orange chocolate chip Bundt
I would DEFINITELY make this again for a crowd!
I made 0 substitutions
This would freeze well
Bundt cakes are big cakes. I used to have a Bundt pan but I never really used it (although once I did make two Bundts and stacked them to make a cake shaped like a pumpkin. It was magnificent and I think served like 20+ people). So I borrowed a lovely pan from a lovely friend.
I love the flavor combination of orange and chocolate, so I knew I was probably going to love this and I did. You used both orange juice and zest to get the flavor to shine. My cake was a little short, but I also realized that my baking soda expired in that may be my issue. I did buy a new can.
I do have a hot tip for vegan baking - lots of recipes call for applesauce as part of your egg replacement (it provides moisture) but I don't like to open a whole big jar just for 1/3 cup in one recipe, so I get the little snack pack versions that are about 1/3 cup each!
I took this to a church potluck and it was a hit! Not a slice left. Someone else brought mulled cider and it was a heavenly pairing if I do say so myself (and actually, the person seated next to me did say that they went well together!).
Incan Stew

I probably won't make this again
I made 0 substitutions
This would freeze well
I want to love quinoa, I really do, but it does not agree with me. Quinoa is an edible seed in the amaranth family that became super popular in the early 2000s, and 2013 was even named the "International Year of Quinoa" (link to the UN press release if you want to go down that rabbit hole). There was a time when it seemed like it was everywhere, and I really did try to make it work.
That's why, anticipating that this would not be my favorite dish but because it is an Isa recipe it would still be an excellent dish, I also brought this to my church potluck. Two other people also brought vegan soups, so it was in good company.
One person I met walking in said she wasn't sure about coming that evening, but when she saw how many vegan dishes were on the list she said, "These are my people!" It was so nice to hear.
Mushroom Hot Pot

I would definitely make this again
I made 1 substitution - Well, really an omission, I went to two stores and could not find lemongrass!
I think the broth here would freeze well
I feel like this was the first recipe I made from the Curries/Stews section that felt like a reasonable amount of food for one person. And it was really tasty, even without the lemongrass (but I do see how it would add an extra layer of flavor).
I cannot say enough how much I love having a grill pan (thank you, Casey for gifting me yours!). This calls for grilled tofu on top that you simply dredge in soy sauce and sesame oil and it's so simple and flavorful.
This also calls for star anise!! So I put that to work now that I have it. I was also able to use up some vermicelli noodles I've had laying around as well as my dried shiitakes (which are about 1/5 the price at your local Asian market vs. what they cost at Whole Foods).
Weekly Reflection
I've found that for the most part, the time estimates are pretty accurate on Isa's recipes, but I could also be giving myself more time since they're new to me. I often will prep my veggies and things at lunch or the day before, and that definitely helps things come together more easily.
Not only did we have a potluck at church this week, but it was our yearly auction fundraiser. My contribution was a batch of Sweet Potato Pecan Cinnamon Rolls, and there was nearly an all out bidding war (five people placed bids, and for our small congregation, I think that's pretty cool).
I have never been so proud!
I first brought them to church the day we had a bread communion, and I told folks I would be slicing them up in the kitchen. So many people came directly to find me/the rolls that I didn't even make it out of the kitchen to put them on the table before they were all gone. I feel like I'm beginning to solidify my reputation as a great vegan cook within the congregation and that's really fun.
